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Not feeling great after two of three sessions
« on: September 10, 2015, 04:05:26 PM »
I´ve had Kambo applied several times with good results , however 4 days ago I embarked on the first of three treatments with a day break in between . My first treatment was mild ; 8 points no purge but just some nausea and stomach pain which I couldn´t get rid of, no swelling of face . Just sleepy after. The day after I felt a bit tired but slightly irritable and still not clean .

The second treatment yesterday was much more intense , as soon as the Kambo was applied it hit me like a bullet , heart racing , heat all over my body and very swollen frog face. I´d drank 2.5 litres of water before and continued drinking during ,as usual the purge was an ordeal .I find purging very difficult , never purged on Aya ever and with Kambo it´s like getting blood out of a stone.

Nevertheless , after some help from the healer and drinking in excess of 3 litres of water I eventually puked some frothy water a couple of times but it was an ordeal. Purge from the other end? yes , several times.

The effects of the Kambo lasted a good couple of hours with stomach pain and nausea and after that I slept pretty heavily . nearly 5 hours after the start I eventually left the centre and felt quite dizzy and disorientated but hungry .
I was careful with the diet ,eating only vegan food with juices and water.

I slept like a log last night and had problems waking up this morning . Today I felt quite lethargic , even slightly depressed and
unsociable. I don´t think it helps I am in a 10 bed dorm in a hostal when maybe I need space to process this . I ate some breakfast but that included cheese and one slice of ham , not the end of the world but I was then tempted to drink two glasses of wine later .I then slept  deeply for two hours and have woken up feeling pretty crap. Normally I wouldn´t be tempted to touch alcohol so close to Kambo as I feel so clean . All in all after two sessions I don´t feel re energised (More de energised) and clean , in fact there seems to be some negativity/panema still there. It´s not normally like this . Tomorrow is my final session and I´m guessing it will be a tough one , I´m beating myself for drinking the wine .I guess I´ll pay for it tomorrow. Feel so tired , maybe sleep is what I need.

Offline caiano

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Re: Not feeling great after two of three sessions
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2015, 08:10:33 AM »
I don't think the wine was a big problem.
Let us know how it goes with the third session.
I also had kambo last day, purging only a bit from the "south pole" but the process was fine.
Probably your body has more toxins than mine to be cleaned and they are mobilized around: this could explain your bad feelings. Hoping the next session will be resolutive.

Offline wonderfrog

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Re: Not feeling great after two of three sessions
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2015, 06:02:27 AM »
Thanks Caiano. Well the third session , nearly one week ago now, was pretty intense . Again , the Kambo hit me immediately and my face swelled. I could hardly talk and my throat felt quite constricted. I went to the toilet and purged from the " South Pole" as you put it! I was nauseous and had my head in a bucket trying to puke , there was a lot of coughing and dry wrenching and I felt that this was also a way of purging negativity and emotions .

There was a heavy dense energy in my stomach that I so desperately wanted to shift , and felt the only way was to puke. It was all quite unpleasant , I felt pretty ill but found it so hard to focus on my breathing or what exactly was going on in my body -because there seemed so much going on at once - almost a small eruption of feelings,emotions,physical pain and discomfort.The healer was trying to help me vomit and I sensed some impatience from that person that it was taking me so long to do so.This didn´t help matters as, on top of what was going on in my body,I was getting impatient and frustrated with myself for not being able to rid myself of the horrible feeling in my stomach.

After some time and drinking more and more water (probably in excess of 3 litres total) and having some Rape snuff blown into my nostrils ,I purged frothy green/yellow water . It was a such a huge relief in one way but the heaviness in my stomach remained.

After moving back to the main room,laying down and focusing on my breathing to shift whatever was in my stomach, I felt  the energy slowly move up my body from the lower stomach area and kind of smooth out, become less intense around my chest area until it kind of melted and went.As it moved up my body I got a few realisations about where and how this feeling had come about ,quite an eye opener but all made perfect sense .I need to learn how to protect myself . After that I felt quite peaceful and slept for a good couple of hours.

I don´t think drinking wine between Kambo sessions is a great idea but honestly I don´t think my last session would have been that much different with or without .

The few days after I felt quite tired , I tried to focus on tasks with some success but I really wanted rest . Even 6 days after I feel the Kambo is still there doing it´s work and teaching . I´ve realised that every experience is different .I´ve had some treatments where I´ve felt amazing almost immediately , others where I´ve felt a bit wiped out for days .Sometimes I´ve had really bad frog face for 5 or 6 days afterwards , sometimes not at all.

I think the Kambo gives you what you need at the time and I was panicking a bit last week as at one stage I felt worse than I did before the treatments, but it all takes time .My feeling is that the work Kambo does for you does not end as soon as you´ve purged and rested immediately after treatment .In fact I feel that that is just the beginning .

My cleansing , resetting goes on . I´ve had a very hectic but amazing few months .I needed to stop,rest and take stock and the frog was guiding me to that .It´s what I needed. It´s also teaching me about diet After 12 Kambo sessions , I´ve become increasingly sensitive to sugar ,alcohol,meat and products containing white refined flour . I think it´s a slow process - they are all things I am no longer enjoying so much and consuming less and less of.

As far as purging goes , I´ve been told by one healer that the purge is not important , most say that it´s imperative and I think that it is. Generally , dietwise, I have been good -mainly eating vegan food until two days ago when I had some meat products and a glass of wine ! I actually felt it was beneficial introducing something maybe slightly toxic into my system-I felt it kind of reactivated the Kambo and yesterday I purged some interesting colours from the South Pole and immediately felt so much cleaner , like Kambo had been working on releasing this for days .  In fact yesterday was a turning point, a lifting of the clouds and I had a lot more clarity of thought and of where I was going in life.

I truly love and respect this medicine .It´s described as magic and it surely is . The synchronicities and improvement in energy ,health and luck have been amazing for me in the past .I´m grateful for this gift of healing.

Viva Kambo!

« Last Edit: September 17, 2015, 06:05:42 AM by wonderfrog »

Offline Kambogahuasca Panacea

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Re: Not feeling great after two of three sessions
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2015, 03:40:51 AM »
I concur that the Kambo could have gone further to eliminate well hidden toxins that the peptides so inherently dislodge in our receptors.  If purging is thorough but not severe (once yellow bile begins can take off dots to reduce prolonged intensity) recovery is generally smooth and resolute upon the next waking day.  But if a treatment was not 'perfect' in exactitude of surgical administration then recovery is unpredictable whether too severe or too weak.  Stirring up the toxins without fully expunging them a large reason for unreliable recovery rates in my opinion. 

Also I like to do enemas afterwords as well as drinking a ton of spring water and of course Mambe goes without saying.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 03:44:33 AM by Kambogahuasca Panacea »

Offline wonderfrog

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Re: Not feeling great after two of three sessions
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2015, 07:02:23 AM »
Just out of interest , do you think another Kambo treatment would be beneficial or do you think that would be too much ? It would be my 4th one in two weeks. The healer that I saw earlier on this year was amazing but was away unfortunately so I went somewhere else.I don't want to go into details but I wasn't as impressed with the quality of treatment ,the way the other healer treated me was far more superior.
I still feel quite tired and heavy.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 07:04:19 AM by wonderfrog »

Offline caiano

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Re: Not feeling great after two of three sessions
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2015, 04:35:52 PM »
I would suggest to wait for another occasion with somebody else. Or learn how to do it by yourself ( with a sitter ) .

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Re: Not feeling great after two of three sessions
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2015, 12:36:25 AM »
If you feel that your up for it perhaps go for the fourth session. Can you wait though for the healer you preferred? I would guess that you had such difficulty from releasing toxins and especially in the case of not purging. With major healing I really like the metaphor of really opening somebody up, meaning to get their energies to express outward, meaning a strong purge of energies and toxins.

I would recommend to avoid the things in your diet that you felt bad about consuming, though I think you are correct in stating that it probably didn't effect the kambo treatment much. Still, lighter clean foods and lots of water aids the detoxification process. I consider that purging from the south end is still purging, but that pain you felt in the stomach was most likely something that was needing to be purged, and perhaps it has since been.

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for sharing and good luck.
Glad you are feeling better and look forward to your next update.