Kambo Synergies > Kambo & Rapé / Nu-Nu Snuff / Singado internasal tea

How long does it take to get addicted to rape'


I have taken a liking to rape', and find myself using it daily. I see where this is heading, I have never been addicted to nicotine, but have been addicted to other substances in the past. How long does it take before physical and mental addiction take hold? i.e. 1 week of daily use, 2 weeks etc.

This depends from person to person. I don't do snuffs very often, so have no idea how long in particular. But it may be that this is less addictive than smoking tobacco. A friend was snuffing for two weeks or so, daily, and then he quit - the snuff ran out.

Usually when the fun is departing and it get's boring, that's when addiction is arriving.

I took Rape several times a day for 5 days then stopped for 2 days, on the third day I started again but felt evil!  I'm not a tobacco smoker but my feeling was that it was a withdrawal from the snuff (managed to keep the evil to myself!).

Was fine after that and not had any for a week or so now.  I also noticed that when using it less often/occasionally the feeling of insight was greater, when used several times a day it became just a search for the hit. 

Apurina is a non tobacco containing hape that may be of interest to those that do not like gaining that relationship with tobacco.



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