Kambo Synergies > Kambo & Rapé / Nu-Nu Snuff / Singado internasal tea

Rape' for healing


I heard a few people on this forum refer to rape' as a healing substance. Can anyone elaborate on that? What kind of ailments can rape' be used to alleviate?

Kambogahuasca Panacea:
For me at least it is extremely grounding, and a great revealer of epiphany galore.  I like to snuff and then meditate as this seems to be very complimentary.  Doing Hop-A during Ayahuasca is especially sacred and often leads to deep cleansing purges as well as deep visions (similar to Iboga visions oddly enough). 

Hop-A is extremely addictive and should only be used with extreme care and caution at it's propensity for abuse.  When used with strict moderation it holds boundless potential for healing IMO.   

Funny you mentioned meditating, because thats exactly what I have been using it for. I actually experience a similar tranquil, serene state after meditating and practicing with a Buddhist sangha for a while. Very interesting stuff. Rape' seems like a good way to state a meditation session.


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