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Messages - ―λlτεrηιτγ-

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Introductions / Re: just a quick Hello
« on: February 22, 2013, 03:56:02 AM »
hello mindash. Sorry no one got around to responding to this and giving you a warm welcome. this forums been slow and needs new members like you. so welcome to the forum. good luck with your healing. if you have any questions ask away. Kambo is great medicine when approached with a humbleness and respect.

Complementary Modalities / Re: Entheogenic Medicine Documentaries
« on: February 21, 2013, 06:58:06 PM »
Heaven Earth ft. Pablo Amaringo & Alan Shoemaker
The film displays all day activities of Percy, a peruvian healer and another western ayahuasquero, named Ron. Both live near Iquitos and work with ayahuasca.
Participants of ayahuasca ceremonies, touroperators and --guides, as well as western visionquesters recount episodes of their journeys and internal imagery. A growing global pop cultural phenomenon, swinging between psychotherapeutic healing procedure and spiritual sell-out.
Mestizo- and gringo herbalists recount episodes of daily life and their career histories. Amazonian tourists and western visionseekers report about interior spaces, motifs and passages of their journeys.
Representatives of the local tourism industry talk about guided tours, the psychoactive drink ayahuasca, vanishing indigenous cultures, spiritual sellout triggered by "experience consumerism" and also discuss excursions into the surrounding rainforest of a jungle metropole.

Iquitos - a city affected by the change of time, fluctuating between tradition and modernity - a locus of cultural transition facing the impact of globalization and its sequences.

Yeah for a small mole. How many times do you burn moles? I burned this one about a half a dozen times. wasn't sure if there was any kind of root that had to be burned out or something. it seemed to completely scrape off as dead skin after the burning.

I can confirm that this is at least 3x stronger. So if you attempt this be prepared for stronger effects.

Complementary Modalities / Re: 1Health/Nutrition Documentaries
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:10:22 PM »

Complementary Modalities / Re: 1Health/Nutrition Documentaries
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:16:56 PM »

Complementary Modalities / Re: 1Health/Nutrition Documentaries
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:03:14 AM »
I practice it and I don't live in India.
it's different if you're hunting for and earning your food in an appreciative and unwasteful manner. factory farmed animals live totally different lives than wild free animals before they're killed. and eating animal meat that lives off the earth and isn't fed genetically modified corn, fecal matter, and other dead animals and loaded up with antibiotics, artificial growth hormones, and other chemicals. Live food gives me way better energy than dead food. plants are so freakin beneficial. they're definitely the most intelligent life forms and live a perfect karmic existence which is to serve other mammals needs. they're meant to be eaten. i feel i resonate at a higher frequency when i heat live raw plant foods. I do find it spiritual in a way. I don't want to contribute to the suffering of other animals and than eat the dead vessel that held that suffering.
Heat through cooking destroys nutrition. meat contains 14 times the pesticide level that an equivalent amount of commercial plant food would contain. more raw plant foods people eat, the more likely they are to experience all sorts of health benefits. we have long intestines and meat tends to stagnate in our systems and block us up. our intestines and our energies. it's been proven over and over again meat increases risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, ect. Maybe not free-roaming grass and wild plant fed animals. cooked meat increases the acidity of our blood which contributes to cancer, and diabetes and other illnesses. a diet of plants is much more cleansing to the body and intestines helping us to absorb nutrition and eliminate toxins.
The longer I stuck with it and believed in it. Researched it and heard what people had to say. The more it made sense to me and the way I feel when I eat right have led to me much preferring say baby carrots, coconut or an avacado to a burger, chips, soda, ect.
Obviously a diet of chips and soda doesn't help anything. but i can actually ride out a high for several days caused by just a clean mostly  raw plant diet.

It helps to inhibit the development of addiction and also prevents the withdrawal symptoms. 

Matricaria chamomilla extract inhibits both development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence syndrome in rats.
Adel Gomaa, Tahia Hashem, Mahmoud Mohamed, Esraa Ashry
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt.
The effect of Matricaria chamomilla (M. chamomilla) on the development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence was investigated in rats. The frequencies of withdrawal behavioral signs (paw tremor, rearing, teeth chattering, body shakes, ptosis, diarrhea, and urination) and weight loss induced by naloxone challenge were demonstrated in morphine-dependent rats receiving M. chamomilla extract or saline. The withdrawal behavioral manifestations and weight loss were inhibited significantly by chronic co-administration of M. chamomilla extract with morphine. Administration of a single dose of M. chamomilla before the naloxone challenge in morphine-dependent animals abolished the withdrawal behavioral manifestations. The dramatic increase of plasma cAMP induced by naloxone-precipitated abstinence was prevented by chronic co-administration of M. chamomilla extract with morphine. These results suggest that M. chamomilla extract inhibits the development of morphine dependence and expression of abstinence syndrome.

I believe the specific constituent of German Chamomile they're describing is Apigenin. Which can be bought without prescription. It's a potent CYP1A2 and CYP2C9 digestive enzyme inhibitor. And also an NMDA antagonist, which, by the way they work, help to prevent a wide range of addictions. This may not be super strong in effects but could be supplemented with Iboga, magnesium, zinc, and other nmda antagonists in someones arsenal against addiction.

So if I were to say much it could very easily cause controversy and that I don't want to stir.

That's okay, I'll do it for you ;]

"The most toxic drug that has ever been licensed
for long term consumption in the free world.
... AZT is a prescription drug and according to
the manufacturer itself it causes symptoms that are
indistinguishable from AIDS.
So I would say it is not arrogant for me
to say that AZT is AIDS by prescription."
~ Dr Peter Duesberg

Here is a documentary that shows important clips from 5 award-winning documentaries on the subject.
It basically states that what is claimed to be HIV-positive results are just actually auto-antibodies that are developed as a result of your body's immune stress.

The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS
Does HIV really cause AIDS?
Can we really believe the pharmaceutical industrial complex?

Could it be that after so many years of research, and so much money being spent, that the entire orthodox medical establishment has been wrong about AIDS, or even worse, has sought to profit from a system that it KNEW was flawed from the beginning?

Join legendary documentarian and best-selling author Gary "Mr. Natural" Null, Ph.D., for a journey into the darkest recesses of the medical industry - a journey that not only asks the most painful questions, but even proposes the most intriguing truths about a disease we continue to know so little about.

Note: William Cooper was killed on November 5th 2001 by law enforcement.

A.I.D.S. is Man-made
by William Cooper
DATE/TIME: 07/27/90 21:02

To All,

During my talks in Las Vegas last weekend I revealed a few things about
aids that I have been keeping close to my chest. I have already
revealed that I saw that AIDS was man made to eleminate the undesirable
elements of society while I was attached to Naval Security and
Intelligence. I stated this fact in my paper "The Secret Government."
Now for the rest of the story.

The first study was made in 1957 by scientists meeting in Huntsville
Alabama. That study resulted in "Alternative 3." Another study was made
 by the Club of Rome in 1968 to determine the limits to growth. The
result of the study was that civilization as we know it would collapse
shortly after the year 2000 unless the population was seriously
curtailed. Several Top Secret recommendations were made to the ruling
elite by Dr. Aurelio Peccei of the Club of Rome. The chief
recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the auto
immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible.
 The orders were given to develop the microbe and to also develop a
cure and a prophylactic. The microbe would be used against the general
 population and would be introduced by vaccine administered by the
World Health Organization. The prophylactic was to be used by the
ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when they
decide that enough people have died. It will be announced as newly
developed. This plan was called Global 2000. The cure and the
prophylactic are suppressed. Funding was obtained from the U.S.
Congress under H.B. 15090 where $10 million was given to the Department
 of Defense to produce "a synthetic biological agent, an agent that
does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have
been acquired." "Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be
possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in
certain important aspects from any known disease causing organisms.

Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to
maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." The project was
carried out at Fort Detrick Maryland. Since large populations were to
be decimated the ruling elite decided to target the "undesirable
elements of society" for extermination. Specifically targeted were the
black, hispanic, and homosexual populations. The name of the project
that developed AIDS is MKNAOMI. The African continent was infected via
smallpox vaccine in 1977. The U.S. population was infected in 1978 with
the hepatitis B vaccine through the Centers for Disease Control and the
New York Blood Center. You now have the entire story. The order was
Switzerland. Other measures were also ordered. The one you will be able
to check the easiest is the Haig - Kissinger Depopulation Policy which
is administered by the State Department.

When you put this information out do not edit it and please give me and
this board full credit as the source of the information. Please post
the board phone number with this file. That is how I stay alive. This
COOPER, (602) 567-6725

To aid you in your research of this CRIME the name of the report was
PREDICAMENT OF MANKIND. In April 1968 the study began in the Accademia
dei Lincei in Rome Italy. They met at the instigation of Dr. Aurelio
Peccei. The Top Secret recommendations of the results of the study were
made by Dr. Aurelio Peccei who pledged not to use the prophylactic and
not to take the cure should the microbe be developed and should he
contract the disease. Dr. Peccei was hailed as a great hero for
deciding to take the same risk as the general population. The public
results of the study were published in 1972. The MIT project team that
participated in the study are listed below:

Dr. Dennis L. Meadows, director, United States

Dr. Alison A. Anderson, United States (pollution)

Dr. Jay M. Anderson, United States (pollution)

Ilyas Bayar, Turkey (agriculture)

William W. Behrens III, United States (resources)

Farhad Hakimzadeh, Iran (population)

Dr. Steffen Harbordt, Germany (socio-political trends)

Judith A Machen, United States (administration)

Dr. Donella H. Meadows, United States (population)

Peter Milling, Germany (capital)

Nirmala S. Murthy, India (population)

Roger F. Naill, United States (resources)

Jorgen Randers, Norway (population)

Stephen Shantzis, United States (agriculture)

John A. Seeger, United States (administration)

Marilyn Williams, United States (documentation)

Dr. Erich K. O. Zahn, Germany (agriculture)

When the study was completed in 1969 U.N. Secretary General U Thant
made this statement:

"I do not wish to seem overdramatic, but I can only conclude from the
information that is available to me as Secretary-General, that the
Members of the United Nations have perhaps ten years left in which to
subordinate their ancient quarrels and launch a global partnership to
curb the arms race, to defuse the population explosion, and to supply
the required momentum to development efforts. If such a global
partnership is not forged within the next decade, then I very much fear
that the problems I have mentioned will have reached such staggering
proportions that they will be beyond our capacity to control." U Thant,

MKNAOMI was developed by the Special Operations Division (SOD)
scientists at Ft. Detrick, Maryland under the supervision of the CIA
and for the CIA. A reference to the project MKNAOMI can be found in
"The Intelligence Community" By Fain et al, Bowker, 1977.

I swear that all of the above information is true and correct to the
best of my memory and knowledge. I give this information to the people
of the world in hopes that someone will have the courage and resources
to help me end this madness. The illuminati (the order) are in complete
control of most of the world and they have declared war against the
general populations of all nations. We must stop them at all costs.
Please help me for I cannot do it alone. Please send this file without
editing to everyone that you know and ask them to do the same. God
bless you all.

William Cooper

General Discussion / Re: How long does swollen face last?
« on: February 07, 2013, 04:14:29 PM »
8 days holy sh*%

Well my only advertisements are my markings. When asked I will explain what kambo is. And I have explained it to close friends. But people are too close-minded for me to try to push it on people. Even some close friends think i'm crazy and say they will never try "frog poison". The ones that need the healing or feel a calling toward it will hopefully find their way. I have a friend that I will administer it to soon. So the more people that do it maybe the more will want to do it. when they see that no one is dying. Either way kambo is something that will be maintained only by those "in the know." At least at this time. I think the idea of close friends sharing the markings is cool. Like matching tattoos but more unique and administered to one another with out need for a third party. at least if you know what you're doing.

General Discussion / Re: How long does swollen face last?
« on: February 06, 2013, 01:51:09 AM »
with normal administration, the swelling in my face comes down within a half hour. but the process could be faster in me than others. someone with more toxins, body mass, age, slower metabolism could perhaps take longer. i'm not sure though because i don't have much experience seeing other people go through it.

Precautions / Re: Not overdoing it with the burns
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:48:24 PM »
yeah i love using Sangre De Drago. I think this is one jungle technology that is superior to band-aids. I never layered it tho. I usually just put a big drop on the burn. sometimes i spread it in. this even lasts through showers if you don't rub the area too harshly with soap. I pat it with a little soap. And the dragon's blood usually doesn't fall off until it is healed enough where I don't need to re-apply. as a scab does.

lol sorry, I was trying to type up a response before running out the door to work.

Welcome to the forum. If you don't feel a flood dose has helped you retrospectively I'd recommend approaching it more cautiously. Maybe after some time of building a relationship with it, a bigger dose will be more comfortable for you. Please be very cautious about mixing multiple pharmaceutical anti-depressant/anti-psychotics with ibogaine. Remember that these pharmaceuticals are helping your brain to work one way, and what ibogaine is doing maybe something in a totally different direction. This could maybe attribute to the shock you experienced. Even after going off them for awhile.  Try to ask yourself why you experienced the things you did on your flood, and what meaning they could have for your life.

For example death is a common theme with psychedelics. To feel as if you are dying or have died. This it seems, is to show us not to fear death. That existence is a series of deaths and rebirths. And when you let go and relax and give yourself and trust the medicine, usually it will all of a sudden become a very beautiful experience. So a lot of times the content of heavy psychedelic journeys can be quite dark.

Thank you for sharing. Enjoy your stay here and we hope to hear more from you.
Sending some love your way.  :D

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