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Messages - ―λlτεrηιτγ-

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In this video they talk about the herb Sutherlandia frutescens helping people with aids in africa.

Sutherlandia is supposed to be a panacea like kambo is.
In the video they talk about it increasing appetite, reducing pain, boosting the immune system & increasing white blood cell counts.
They mention in some cases white blood counts double to practically normal.
And that it helps over 50% people recover significantly, even those on their deathbeds who would have died without using it.

I'd love to grow Tabernaemontana Sananho and Tabernaemontana Undulata.
Other species interest me as well like Tabernamontana divaricata which is said to be considered female chacruna.
T. angulata which is said to be employed as a hallucinogen by "French Guiana Wayapi and Palikur" shamans.
I'd like to experience them as possible hallucinogens in oral dosages if they can be safely consumed at large doses.

General Discussion / New URL
« on: May 02, 2013, 05:23:52 PM »
Hey guys, for some reason does not work, and must be used.
This becomes a pain in the ass if your browser doesn't remember the URL once you start typing kam..
For instance if you clear browser history.
Or if you don't always access this site via your bookmarks.

So I registered a URL mask/redirect at still works. just is a shorter simpler way to get there.

Someone was actually using to redirect to a page which sells .com and other such non-tk domain names.
And was trying to make money off the .tk free service.
So I had to email them and report abuse before I could register


Anti-Cancer / Re: The Cancer Thread
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:49:27 AM »
Safe, Natural Tips for Cancer Patients

I was wondering if kambo could be rubbed on the tips of acupuncture needles before they were applied into the skin.

Truth, like rain, don't give a fuck who it falls on.

I've gotten into a huge argument with my aunt calling it self-mutilation.
I responded, it's self-administration of bio-active amino acid peptides to the lymph system!
People can think what they want. It's their own problem if they can't handle truths in life.

Complementary Modalities /
« on: April 29, 2013, 12:34:18 AM »
I'd just like to share this site I find cool. 3,500+ videos on natural healing & wellness.

General Discussion / Re: Kambo Circles around the world 2013
« on: April 25, 2013, 04:33:51 PM »
I have not tried either, yet. =\

I need to try this Rape'.

The Process / Re: Getting frog faced
« on: April 24, 2013, 06:45:56 PM »
Interesting theory! I get frog face and I was questioning recently if I had dampness and wanted to look into it and ways to control and invert dryness/dampness of the body. I always imagined it was just a way of helping the medicine get into the body. kind of like how your body flushes on niacin or something.

General Discussion / Re: Only Natural Sacraments Please
« on: April 19, 2013, 06:20:53 AM »
Chaliponga contains higher quantities of DMT than Chacruna does while it is also thought to contain 5-MeO-DMT. I'm not sure if this is proven but people with experience assume this because of the type of experience it gives. In this form, Chaliponga or Ayahuasca with Chaliponga (Yagé) is completely natural. 5-MeO-DMT is also present in Yopo Seeds. I'm not sure if KIAP wants to refrain from talk of DMT or 5-MeO-DMT in its extracted and purified form mostly used for smoking. But, while we understand the importance and beauty of such experience, it is probably best left reserved for other forums. This is a forum centered around mother nature's medicines (Kambo & plant medicines) in their natural forms. We do not want to draw the wrong kind of attention here. But Chaliponga/Yopo/Yagé are natural jungle medicines and are acceptable.

General Discussion / Re: Bowel movements and Kambo.. SERIOUS QUESTION
« on: April 18, 2013, 03:27:35 AM »
Awesome!! Great work, finding out. I thought it would probably help.  :D Keep us updated!

Application / Re: Burning Stick
« on: April 18, 2013, 03:23:44 AM »
What is this blue disinfectant you're talking about? you should be using something natural like Dragon's Blood (Sangre De Grado/Sangre De Drago) which is antimicrobial and forms a bandage. it contains compounds that help repair tissue, and is better than disinfectant & bandage. The burning stick should go out in the skin pretty instantly. A stick from nature should be fine but who knows if one kind may scar stronger than another. Are you seeking to keep your scars or for them to fade? Another on the forum mentioned, burning the skin without touching the burning stick to it. that it was more painful, but less scaring. If ash gets into the burn this may, perhaps, attribute to darker scarring? you can get bamboo in the form of chop sticks and widdle it down to the right diameter if you want to be sure to use something that is known to work fine.

General Discussion / Re: Bowel movements and Kambo.. SERIOUS QUESTION
« on: April 14, 2013, 04:59:02 AM »

have you seen this? I've heard, things similar to the mushroom molecules, work as well.

kambo was saying it was done on the shoulders. not on specific points as is commonly done among indigenous peoples.
Usually it's just done in a line.

The Kambo post shitting smells like no other like it is eliminating the most disgusting wretched mucous from the body

I agree. lol

Thanks for such an amazing compliment. I'm honored to be a part of KPs team.  :D

For the first month I did enemas all the time. Everyday for some periods at a time.
I felt as if I did a lot of cleansing and healing to the bowel. Removed all the plaque.
After years of eating shitty and not being health conscious.
It came to a point where I noticed more sluggish movement of the bowel muscles so I stopped for a while.
But I was doing them very often. with all different herbs and whatnot. And now I feel it is only necessary for me like once every 2 weeks.
But have no fear. Your body speaks to you and lets you know what it needs.

Here's just one example of how medicines added to enemas can be beneficial.

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