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Topics - mabunza

Pages: 1
Iboga is a West African Shrub that is it found only in these areas.
Iboga is used to cure and to seek the paths for those who feel lost and alone.
It is a sacrament in the Bwiti culture and is part of their religion because of its supreme deeds.
Iboga is where Ibogaine is extracted from and is used to treat heroin addiction. Unlike any medicine ,
Iboga is dangerous when consumed in greater amounts.
Iboga also helps to release us from our stress and depressions due to its unique properties.
Iboga has proven to be very effective in so many treatments and so many who have used the sacred plant do
know its worth.
Iboga is a miracle tree.
Iboga can show you the path to take in life just when you feel all other lights are gone.
This way it guides you and enlightens you on which path to take.
If you wish to know more about this wonderful shrub or to buy this natural medicine please don't hesitate to reach out to us via this email address:
via WhatsApp Number: +237693300073

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